Life with Aurora

Dogs sleep a lot. Understandable, as they have to be ready at a moment's notice to jump up and announce intruders or run down an elk for dinner.

Aurora was always preparing for either, as you can see...

Despite the fact that Aurora and Annabelle often fought, they were both pack dogs, and could often be found sleeping together.

Sometimes Zu would join them.

Places to sleep

I've never understood how dogs can sleep in some places. They don't look at all comfortable. But then, what do I know about it?

SleepingAurora 3784




Aurora loved sleeping in the sun. Never really did care about ice packs 7544

Things to sleep on
If it's on the floor, it's a bed.
And it rarely took much time for her to find something new to lie down on.

Aurora was also good at crowding out another dog if she wanted that space. Poor Oni.

On to the end...